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Við getum reddað Íslandi :)

Síðan ég bloggaði við fréttina um svindl á netinu, hef ég safnað saman öllum happdrættisvinningunum og peningatilboðunum sem mér hafa borist í gegnum emailið mitt í athugasemdirnar við bloggfærsluna. Ég held ég geti bara reddað Íslandi út úr fjármálakreppunni með öllu þessu fé. Og ef allir hinir sem hafa fengið svona tilboð gæfu þau líka í púkkið.... þá verður engin kreppa Joyful

og alltaf berast nýjir vinningar eins og sjá má í athugasemdunum....Joyful

« Síðasta færsla | Næsta færsla »


1 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

8.okt. 2008   enn bætist við vinningur     
Dear Winner,
Winning Notification
This is to notify you that you have won £850,000.00 in the Uk National Online Email Lottery held on 7th October. 2008 in Uk,
e-mail addresses are picked randomly by  computerised balloting
powered by the Internet. Your email address  was amongst
those chosen for this period.    Ticket no: 56475600545 188
Serial no: 5368/02   Winning number: {06}  Draw (#1187)   www.nationallottery.co.uk/player/p/results/results.do <http://www.nationallottery.co.uk/player/p/results/results.do>
To claim your prize, please contact:  Fiduciary Agent Mr. Markenzie Williams  Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@hotmail.co.uk
Tell: +44 xxx xxx xxxx   with your Name,Address,Age,Sex,Tel and Occupation.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Kelly Jacob

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 9.10.2008 kl. 13:31

2 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

10.okt 2008 og ég er endalaust heppin :)

Dear Winner,
This is to inform you that your email ID has qualified for the UK
National Lottery Year Ending online internet promotion which your email ID  and 1000 others was pick at random by our online internet machine selector (Email Extractor ) which select your email address and other mail  from all over the world as a participant of the British Lottery.Your ID have been approved to claim the sum of One Million Pounds from the National Lottery.
Contact our Agent with  verification form  below as required:
Name: Alex  Daniel  Email: xxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com.sg
Tell:   +44xxxxxxxxx
Name:  Age:   Address:   Phone:   Occupation:   Country:   Payment Mode: Bank or Courier
Sonia Gibson

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 10.10.2008 kl. 12:25

3 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

10.okt. 2008                      fékk ég enn einn vinninginn....
Cara Baclaan til undisclosed-re.
Dear winner
This is to notify you that Your Email have won you a Cash Prize of £250,000.00GBP in the UK National Lottery Promotion held this year. To claim  your Prize Contact the Claims Office with the following Informations below; Full Name, Address,  Phone Number, Age , Sex , Occupation ,County of Residence. Please contact The UKNL Foundation, claims department Mr.Brender Williams
Tel: :+44 xxxxx xxx xx
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Cara Baclaan
PLEASE ALL RESPONSE MUST GO TO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx@hotmail.co.uk

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 12.10.2008 kl. 04:00

4 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

13.okt. 2008
Irish Lottery Board til info
Aðvörun: Sendandi þessa skeytis gæti verið að villa á sér heimildir. Forðastu að smella á tengla sem birtast í skeytinu eða gefa upp persónulegar upplýsingar. 
We are happy to announce that you have won The Irish National Online Lottery.This makes you a proud winner of  (£1,350,000 pounds sterlings) To claim your prize. Send,  1.Full names 2.Age 3.Occupation 4. Tel. 5. Country
Contact person Mr:Tom Smith
(Email: xxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com.hk

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 13.10.2008 kl. 12:35

5 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

13.okt.2008....... .........ENDALAUS HEPPNI  :)
Claims Office til info
Contact: Mr.Harry Cook for the claim of £891,934.00 GBP which your ID won in the E- LOTTERY.
Provide your Names,Address,Age,Occupation,Tel,Country.send to Email: xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 13.10.2008 kl. 12:38

6 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

13.okt 2008................. ekkert lát á vinningum :)
Online Notice
Dear Winner,
This is to inform you that your email ID has qualified for the UK National Lottery Year Ending online internet promotion which your email ID and 1000 others was pick at random by our online internet machine selector (Email Extractor ) which select your email address and other mail from all over the world as a participant of the British Lottery. Your ID have been approved to claim the sum of One Million Pounds from the National Lottery.  Contact our Agent with verification form below as required:Name: Alex Daniel Email: xxxxxxxxx@live.com   Tell: +44xxx xxxx xxx Name:  Age:   Address:  Phone:   Occupation:   Country:    Payment Mode: Bank or Courier
Sonia Gibson

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 14.10.2008 kl. 22:33

7 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

13.okt 2008  maður á ekki orð yfir sumum tilboðunum...

My dear I am writing this mail with tears,sadness and pains. I know it will come to you as a suprise since we haven&#39;t known or come across each other before, but kindly bear with me at this moment. I have a special reason why I decided to contact you. My situation at hand is miserable but I trust in God and hope you will be of my help. My name is Nebby Jamila Bare Mainassara 25years old girl and I held from Republic of Niger the daughter of Late General Ibrahim Bar&#x439; Ma&#x43F;nassara the former President of the Republic of Niger who was ambushed and killed by dissident soldiers at the military airport in the capital, Niamey with his driver and a former Prefect. You can see more detail about my late father here http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/april/9/newsid_2463000/2463927.stm

I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment which I am receiving from my step mother. She planned to take away all my late father&#39;s treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile I wanted to travel to Europe, but she hide away my international passport and other valuable documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father&#39;s File which contained important documents. I am presently staying in the Mission camp in Burkina Faso.

I am seeking for longterm relationship and investment assistance. My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US$17.7 Million in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I had contacted the Bank to clear the deposit but the Branch Manager told me that being a refugee, my status according to the local law does not authorize me to carry out the operation. However, he advised me to provide a trustee who will stand on my behalf. I had wanted to inform my stepmother about this deposit but I am affraid that she will not offer me anything after the release of the money. Therefore, I decide to seek for your help in transferring the money into your bank account while I will relocate to your country and settle down with you. I have my fathers death certificate and the account number which I will give you as soon as you indicated your interest to help me.

It is my intention to compensate you with 15% of the total money for your assitance and the balance shall be my investment in any profitable venture which you will recommend to me as have no any idea about foreign investment. Please all communications should be through this email address only for confidential purposes.

Thanking you alot in anticipation of your quick response. I will send you my photos in my next email.

Yours Sincerely
Jamila Ibrahim Bare

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 14.10.2008 kl. 22:38

8 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

Fékk enn einu sinni email frá Sonju Gibson að ég hefði unnið Milljón pundin... hún ætlar ekki að gefast upp...

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 16.10.2008 kl. 13:12

9 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

17.okt. 2008 ............. enn ein tilkynningin um vinning
Google Give-away Lotto
Your email just won £500,000 Pounds during in anniversary give-away lotto.For more info,send your winning Ticketnumber:00869575733664,CGPN:7-22-71-00-66-12,Serial numbers:BTD/8070447706/06,Lucky numbers:12-12-23-35-40-41(12)to Mr.Francis Henson, Email:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com, Tel:+44xxxxxxxxxx

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 17.10.2008 kl. 15:03

10 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

18.okt. 2008 ................... endalaus heppni
eoktay@hacettepe.edu.tr til recipients
(Customer Services)
Ref: UK/9420X2/68
Batch: 074/05/ZY369
                                        SEASONAL PROMOTIONS:
We happily announce to you the draw (#1142) of the UK online Sweepstakes International program held on Wed 15th October, 2008.
Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 56475600545 188
with Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers: 14,  15,   24,   31,   45,  49  bonus ball (#34)which subsequently won you the
lottery in the 2nd category i.e match 5 plus bonus.You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of   £541,022 (Five hundred and forty one thousand,twenty-two pounds sterling) in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03.This is from a total cash prize of £3,246,132 shared amongst the  (6) lucky winners in this category i.e Match 5 plus bonus.
All participants for the online version were selected randomly from
World Wide Web sites through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies that are listed online. This promotion takes place  Bi-weekly. Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office in Europe as indicated in your play coupon. In view of this, your  £541.022 (Five hundred and forty one thousand,
twenty-two pounds sterling) would be released to you by any of
our payment offices in Europe. Our European agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact her. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. Please be warned. To file for your claim, fill out the informations required in the
verification form and contact our fiduciary agent:
Mrs. Sharon Wright with Email: xxxxxxxxxxxx@hotmail.co.uk
Attached below is a copy of the verification form:
1.FULL NAMES:___2.ADDRESS:____3.SEX:___4.AGE:____
How do you wish recieve your funds?
1.Cheque Delivery by Courier 2.Bank.... Transfer?
Goodluck from me and members of staff of the UK online sweepstakes

Yours faithfully,
Maureen Graham
Information Officer
Sweepstakes International Program

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 20.10.2008 kl. 16:56

11 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

Fékk email frá Sonju Gibson í þriðja sinn að ég hefði unnið Milljón pundin... hún ætlar ekki að gefast upp...

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 20.10.2008 kl. 16:58

12 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

22.okt.2008, nú er emailið mitt farið að vinna í Taílenska lottóinu
Bangkok Branch Office
Address: 3 Rajdamnern Avenue
Bangkok 10200 Thailand.
Congratulations from our members of staff. We are THAILAND LOTTERY AGENCY, You don&#39;t have to purchase a ticket to enter this lottery, your email indicating you as a winner in the lottery programs held by the Thai Lottery Organization.
Following official publication results of the Email electronic on line Sweepstakes organized by the Thai lottery corporation, the Slide circular award and in conjunction with the foundation for the promotion of software products, (F.P.S.) 2008.
All 20 winning email addresses were randomly selected from a batch of 25,000,00 international emails each from Canada, Australia, United States Scotland Romania, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually, consequently, you have been approved for a total pay out of ONE MILLION UNITED STATE DOLLARS( $1.000, 000.00 USD). Will be released to you from this regional branch office in Bangkok Thailand .
This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some multinational companies as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the communities where they have operational base. Further more your details(e-mail address) falls within our Bangkok representative office in Bangkok Thailand, as indicated in your play coupon and your prize of ONE MILLION UNITED STATE DOLLARS( $1.000, 000.00 USD). Will be released to you from this regional branch office in Bangkok Thailand .
Your fund is now deposited with our Bank/Security Company Bangkok Thailand and insured in your name. Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been processed, and your winning Cheque have being sent to you or remitted to your account, as this is part of our security protocol, to avoid double claiming and unwarranted taking of advantage of this program by participants, as has happened in the past.

These are your confidential identification numbers.
Ticket number.....................7805-12233077-09
Serial number.......................67100-1
Lucky number...................177-030-111-09
Ref number...................N.EGS/3662367005/15
To begin your lottery claims, Please call to contact our Thai Lottery Co-ordinator as follows Mr. Collins Gorge.
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com.hk
Tel: + (66)xxx xxxxxxx
You are to send the completed verification form below to the co-ordinator whose email address is given above so that you will be advised on what to do to get your prize money. Congratulations once more!
1. Full name:___2. Home Address / contact Teleph number:___2. Private Telephone:___3. Occupation:___4. Age:____5. Sex:____6. Nationality:____7. Email:___Country of Origin:____ Country of Residence/work:_____
Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later than 30th of NOVEMBER 2008. Any claim not made by this date will be returned to HIS MAJESTYS DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Once again from all members of our staff and thank you for being a part of our International Promotions program. We wish you continued good fortunes.

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 22.10.2008 kl. 13:54

13 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

    22.okt.2008.... Ég er að verða svo ógeðslega rík 
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.co.uk til undisclosed-re.
This E-mail is to inform you that your e-mail have emerged a winner of £500,000.00 GBP (Five Hundred Thousand British Pounds) in our online Give-away 1Oth year Anniversary draws.Your Winning details are as follows:  Computer Generated Profile Numbers (CGPN):7-22-71-00-66-12,  Ticket number: 00869575733664, Serialnumbers:/BTD/8070447706/06, Lucky numbers: 12-12-23-35-40-41(12)
To claim your give-away prize, send the following Your full
names......,sex........,Location....., Alternate e-mail address.... , Your winning details.......
To your processing agent (Mr. Francis Henson) who have been assigned to handle your winning file and payment processing.
Mr. Francis Henson,
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com
Mrs Felicia Johnson

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 22.10.2008 kl. 22:43

14 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

22.okt.2008... enn berast viðskiptatilboð... þetta er frá Hazel Akron
A benefiting contact
Dear friend,
I am Mr. Hazel Akron, a banker at the Islamic development bank (idb). I have decided to contact you on a business deal of us $20.000.000 (twenty million United States dollars). The depositor of the said fund died with his entire family during the Iraq war in 2006. The customer used his wife as the next of kin but unfortun-ately, the wife died along side with him leaving nobody for the claim. According to our banking law, if the fund remains unclaimed for two (2) years then, the fund will be transferred into the reserve bank as unclaimed bill.
I don&#39;t want the fund to go into the bank treasury and as such, let us claim the fund. I want to present you as his cousin or business partner so that the bank will transfer the fund into your bankaccount for us to share it.
Your percentage will be 40% while 60% will be for me. as an insider in this bank, I assure you that, this transaction is 100% risk free. if you are willing for this deal, contact me for more details but if you are not capable, please notify me.
The transaction will take us only 14 banking days. Nobody knows about the fund and as such, you must keep the secret within you ok. You must keep this deal as secret for the security of the fund. Do not disclose this deal to anybody because I want the secret to be between us only.
I will give you the text of the application to fill and send to the bank
for the release of the fund into your bank account on the receipt of your message. I will be monitoring the whole situation here in the bank until you confirm the money in your bank account and ask me to come down to your country for subsequent sharing of the fund according to percentage indicated above.
You can see the news in bbc and cnn regarding their death:
http://www.cnn.com/2006/world/ meast/10/11/iraq.deaths/
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/ middle_east/6040054.stm
I will be glad to hear from you as soon as you receive this message as to enable me give you the application to fill and send to the bank.
Best regard,
Mr.Hazel Akron

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 22.10.2008 kl. 22:53

15 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

23.okt.2008..... Vá, það munar ekki um það...
Agent Name: Mr. Ken Smith
Tel:+44 xxx xxx 8640
   +44 xxx xxx 8711
Email: ( xxxxxxxxx.@live.com )
This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of
#1,000,000 (ONE MILLION British Pounds)  held on the 20th of september 2008 in London Uk.
Fill the below:
1. Name:    2. Address    3. Country of Residence:  4. Telephone Nr:

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 23.10.2008 kl. 14:11

16 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

24.okt.2008.............. Sonja Gibson ætlar ekki að gefast upp.
Hún er að senda mér tilkynningu í 3 eða 4 skipti að ég hafi unnið... One Million Pounds ... heppin ég
Nú fylgir hins vegar viðvörun um að þessi persóna gæti verið að villa á sér heimildir.

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 24.10.2008 kl. 23:33

17 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

24.okt.2008.... enn berast fúlgur fjár....
Sophie O&#39;Connor
This E-mail is to inform you that you have emerged a winner of £500,000.00 GBP (Five Hundred Thousand British Pounds) in our online Give-away lotto.GoogleUK has successfully organized for the second time a Cash Give-Away marking its 10th Anniversary.Over £20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million British pounds) is to be given out for this Anniversary Draws.No purchases of  tickets were required. Participants for the draws were randomly selected from a world wide range of web searchers who use the Google search engine (Googler) and other Google ancillary services.
Your email address was linked with these winning numbers-
Computer Generated Profile Numbers (CGPN):7-22-71-00-66-12
Ticket number: 00869575733664
Serial numbers: / BTD/8070447706/06
Lucky numbers: 12-12-23-35-40-41(12)
To claim your give-away prize, send the following
Your full names................. , sex...............................,
Alternate e-mail address..................Your winning details.................
To your processing agent (Mr. Francis Henson) who have been assigned to handle your winning file and payment processing.
Your Processing Agent contact:
Call:+44 xxx xxxx xxxx
We wish you the best of luck as you spend your good fortune. Thank you for using Google.
Mrs. Sophie (Announcer)

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 25.10.2008 kl. 00:32

18 Smámynd: Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

25.okt.2008..... Ég hlýt að vera með eina emailið í öllum þessum útdráttarvinningspottum...????
GLOBAL EMAIL ALERT til undisclosed-re.
Your email won £738,000.00 from the Global promotion,Liverpool.
For more information on how to redeem your price, do contact MRS SANDRA BERNOIT with the below informations
1.Full Names:......2.Full Contact ResidentialAddress:...... 3.Sex:......4.Age:.....5.Occupation:......
6.Valid Telephone numbers (Home/Office/Mobile):..... 7.Nationality:....... 8:Annual Income:.........
+44 xxxxx xxxxx

Bryndís Svavarsdóttir, 25.10.2008 kl. 14:48

Bæta við athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.


Bryndís Svavarsdóttir
Bryndís Svavarsdóttir

alltaf að mála, þó ekki skrattann á vegginn.

Gaflari í húð og hár.
Gift, 4 börn, 8 barnabörn og 3 langömmubörn :)
Cand Theol í guðfræðideild HÍ.
vanræki áhugamálin


bryndissvavars@gmail.com  Hlaupasíðan mín:

Hef ekki enn tekið ákvörðun um að safna bloggvinum á lista hjá mér.

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